Culinary Arts

cover of the book generation chef

‘Generation Chef’: Stirring up a Chef’s Nostalgia

The author dedicates a small portion of the book to my experience with élan, the second restaurant of which I was owner and chef. Reading this book was in many ways an emotional experience for me. Not

adreinne cheatham is an ICE culinary arts alum

Honing Her Style: ICE Alum Adrienne Cheatham

Adrienne balances her time in the kitchen with an activity that calls upon a completely different skill and mindset: dance. While scoping out locales for a potential forthcoming project, Adrienne took

variety of microgreens grown in hydroponic garden at ICE

Tiny, Delicate, Flavorful: Microgreens

Where did they come from? What are they? Are they grown using smaller seeds? Are they grown in tiny pots? Are they harvested by children? If I’m paying $38 for a main course, why is everything on the

variety of pickles made during pickling workshop at ICE

The Ultimate Course in Pickling at ICE

On October 3 rd, Shamus Jones, founder and “executive briner” at Brooklyn Brine, will be at ICE to dive deep into the vats of vinegar with students in his one-day workshop, The Modern Pickle

close up of seed starters growing in farm one hydroponic lab in nyc

Cultivating Innovation with Hydroponics

The garden gives ICE culinary students access to the freshest herbs and produce, plus the opportunity to take part in the latest urban agriculture trends. By instilling in students the importance of

lauren jessen culinary arts and culinary management student institute of culinary education

4 Tips for Time Management from a Culinary Arts + Culinary Management Student

Once my Culinary Arts program ended, I had one month left of my management classes. The catch? I had just two weeks until I had to start my externship in a fast-paced NYC restaurant. This meant I had

Jess McCain is a culinary arts career changer in New York City

Discovering Asian Cuisines

When classes began and we started cooking our way through different regions, I was exposed to numerous different styles and flavors of the world. Initially, I was still fixated on the French—the

ICE Instagram contest


We’re inviting ICE students to show us your kitchen masterpieces ( and the flops because, hey, those are insta-worthy, too!) and win prizes in our monthly #ICEProStudentPhotoContest! Career students

Chef cutting fresh homemade pizza in professional kitchen in New York

8 Tips for Elevating Your Homemade Pizza Game

To master this very essential life skill, I took the Homemade Pizza course with Chef Sue Gonçalves last Saturday at the Institute of Culinary Education. We measured, we mixed, we stretched (the dough)

Chef David Waltuck

James Beard Award-Winning Chef David Waltuck Joins ICE

Growing up in the Bronx, no one in Chef David’s family worked in the restaurant industry. In fact, as he explained, “Food in my home was not a big deal.” For Chef David, however, a passion for food

Chef David Waltuck

Chef David Waltuck Joins ICE Team as Director of Culinary Affairs

The Institute of Culinary Education welcomes award-winning David Waltuck as Director of Culinary Affairs Chef David has enjoyed an illustrious culinary career. During his 30-year tenure as executive

Mentor Competitions at Institute of Culinary Education

Keller, Boulud and More at ICE for Prestigious Ment’or Competitions

The judges panel was a veritable "who's who" of the country’s top chefs, including: Daniel Boulud – Chef/Owner, Restaurant Daniel, DINEX Group, 4-time James Beard Award winner, including "Outstanding

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