Chef Palak's eggs

Chef Palak's Fancy, Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

"My scrambled eggs have a very unique technique — the eggs never hit a pan," Chef Palak entices, challenging us to see if we ever make the go-to dish with a pan again. She uses an egg topper and

Vegan macaroni and cheese

Chef Palak's Pro Guide to a Vegan Thanksgiving

A few years ago, I started veganizing my Thanksgiving menu and only served turkey to appease a few family members that couldn’t let go of the tradition. I’m certain that without a turkey, your table

Chef Palak's achar pickles

Discover the Flavors of India’s Achar Pickles: An Ancient Delight

The ingredients that make up achar can be simple and seasonal. All Indians have dozens of pickles at their disposal: assorted or mixed pickles, lime, chili, gooseberry — the list goes on. Yet, no

Chef Palak's French fries

A Five-Day Ferment for Pro French Fries

Chef Palak demonstrates three key techniques in the process: brining, fermentation and blanching. She slices her potatoes with a mandolin, double fries the shoestrings for extra crispiness and purees

Five kinds of flour

Four All-Purpose Flour Alternatives

We have a variety of options that will meet just about any need depending on personal preference, dietary restrictions and general demand for nutritious flours. I haven’t experimented with every

Grilled chicken plated with lemon wedges

The Grilling Trick You Have Yet to Try

So what’s the secret ingredient? Plain yogurt. It’s inexpensive, readily available and incredibly versatile. Yogurt seems like an uncommon ingredient for cooking and grilling because most Americans

A bowl of saffron yogurt

100 Days Eating Vegan

A week before Christmas, I got a call from my friend Will Yandell asking if I was interested in running the Boston Marathon with Clif Bar. My response was laughter. Who was he kidding? I’m a chef who

Spices are organized in bowls.

Five Guidelines for Sourcing and Storing Spices

Take a deep breath. There’s actually a very simple guide to buying and utilizing spices. The key is to know what you’re working with. Spices are dried parts of plants and are great for your health

Palak Patel is a New York City chef.

My Culinary Voice: Chef Palak Patel

Every meal was a well thought out and choreographed production. The aromatic spices were neatly organized in round metal containers, glass jars filled with red, yellow, green and black lentils and

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