Working familiar flavors into new presentations—strawberry, yogurt and basi

Eureka!—Chasing Inspiration in the Kitchen

Yet while ICE’s classroom kitchens regularly provide opportunities for inspiration, the routine of the professional kitchen often presents fewer of those moments. Chefs must actively seek out new

Michael Laiskonis

Follow the Leader: On the Value—or Lack thereof—of Trends in Cooking

As a chef who interacts with a wide range of cooks— students, professionals, amateurs, food writers and product developers—I’m frequently asked about trends. I find the question interesting, but also

Michael Laiskonis head shot

Roots and Rituals: On Cookies and Culinary Memories

On the surface of things, there were no overt signs that I would ever become a professional cook. I’ve only come to appreciate any early, subtle triggers in hindsight. So many of our tastes and habits

finished chocolate bar

Introducing ICE's Chocolate Lab

The vision for the 550 square ft. lab is to approach chocolate from a holistic perspective. Truly unique in the realm of culinary education, the lab will provide knowledge and inspiration across a

Jeremiah Tower

The Roots of American Food: Paying Homage to Jeremiah Tower

By rejecting any product he considered inferior and focusing on the idea of local (which was surprisingly difficult in those early days), Jeremiah's efforts made possible the farm-to-table

plating a dessert

Playing with Fire

The thing I value most about being a chef is the community that comes with it; there’s an atmosphere of friendly competition that encourages sharing. As chefs, we can easily get in over our heads. It

loaf of bread

Back to the Start(er): A Pastry Chef's Lifelong Passion for Bread

It was the experience of working with bread, back when I was an art student, that unexpectedly pulled me into a life of professional cooking. At some point during those early days there was a critical

Fermentation over different periods of time

Know Your Ingredients: Dairy

If you know me, then you know that I have become a bit of a dairy nerd, always looking to better understand the composition, structure, and function of milk and all of its derivatives. And while I

campari grapefruit pate de fruit

Sugar Science

With the possible exception of salt, the instinctual desire for sweetness—more than any other taste—is surely hardwired somewhere deep within our DNA. From the moment of birth, we seek our nourishment

Chef Michael Laiskonis plating chocolate mousse and blueberry dessert

The Evolution from Cook to Chef

Knowledge, in any craft, is cumulative in nature and exponential in its possible effects. Only through rote mastery of fundamentals, followed by repetitive practice, can a craftsman (whether cook

Barry and Susan Wine of Quilted Giraffe restaurant

Food Trends Before the Digital Age

I fell into cooking quite by accident. It was the 1990's and I was pursuing studies in an unrelated field. To supplement my meager student income, I took a job in a small bakery. I had no desire to

IBM Watson and Institute of Culinary Education Food Truck

Inside the #IBMFoodTruck

JB: To say the least, when first introduced to the concept of a computer creating their meal, it isn’t uncommon for people to be skeptical. The fear, confusion and excitement all hinges on one

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